In Montefortino between 1894 and 1899 a burial ground was discovered that can serve as a starting point for a characterization of the presence of the Gauls in the Marche. Although the chronology of the tomb has not been precisely defined, it is generally contained between the two extreme dates of the invasion of the Senoni Gauls and the foundation of the Roman colony of Senigallia.
...In Montefortino d’Arcevia, thanks to the excavations carried out between 1894 and 1899, was identified and brought to light one of the most important necropolis of the Senoni. About fifty Celtic tombs have been found, many of which are characterized by a rich funeral kit, with precious ornaments in gold, silver and glass paste. Weapons in bronze and iron, objects for body care, household furnishings in bronze, iron and ceramics. Among the objects that have contributed to the fame of this Gallic necropolis it is not possible not to mention the three splendid Golden Crowns and the Elmo of “Montefortino type” so called by virtue of the finds found in this site, studied and published by Edoardo Brizio, which later served as study and comparison for subsequent discoveries related especially to the Celtic world.